Serving Thurston County
Specializing in Residential properties.
According to the most recent United States census data, Thurston County’s estimated population is 280,588 with a growth rate of 5.36% in the past year. It is the 6th largest county in Washington with 207,456 adults, (40,479 of which are seniors).
Olympic View Group specializes in matching up single-family tenants with your property to best protect your investment from vandalism and destruction.

Servicing Mason County
Providing affordable housing choices
Mason County has an estimated population of 61,060 with a 0.44% growth rate. The median age is 45.9 with the median household income of $51,764. Because of its location west of Olympia, Mason County is growing in popularity for affordable housing. The average commute time is 30.5 minutes. Its more rural settings are an appeal for those desiring to get out of Olympia and even Bremerton’s hub.
With our extensive marketing of available units plus our thorough tenant screening, we are able to have your Mason County property occupied within a few days of vacancy.
Having a property management company watching over your Mason County property is essential for your protection. It is not uncommon for the homeless to set up temporary residency in the wooded areas. When the seasons change and the temperatures fall, they seek vacant buildings and properties and become squatters.
We understand the importance of having a crew on the heels of vacancy to inspect and take the necessary steps to prepare for rental.

Serving Grays Harbor County
Accepting the best tenant possible for your property
According to the most recent United States census data, Grays Harbor County’s estimated population is 72,697 with a growth rate of 2.06% in the past year. Grays Harbor County is the 19th largest county in Washington.
With convenient access off of Highway 8 to Highway 101, residents are accustomed to driving to the Olympia / Lacey area for their major shopping needs. Because employment opportunities are limited in Grays Harbor County, the commute time to Olympia area is 23 minutes on the average.
If your property is located in McCleary, it can become very costly for every day your unit sits empty. All utilities are through the city. The daily bill continues no matter what. In our earlier property management days we had offices in McCleary as well as Shelton and West Olympia. We understand the importance and necessity of flipping a vacancy within days into occupancy.